Drives and walks and field days!!

What a couple weeks it has been! This little island has seems so have gotten very busy lately! All the students are in crunch time with their midterms, and there has been so many cool volunteering things happening!! We got the shoe drive covered which is amazing! The QE children will be receiving their shoes in early April so look for the post of come with! Ill make sure that everyone has plenty of notice!
We took the kids from Dorothy Hopkins out for a nice walk yesterday and even had a fun race with them! Feel free to join us any Monday (we leave by 3 pm from in front of Charter Hall) if you would like to come to either Dorothy Hopkins or Queen Elizabeth!
The School of Special Needs in right in the middle of their field day week! Monday was huge fun and their looking to do it again in Thursday and Friday at 11am this week! Come down to Limes field if you would like to join us, it’s an almost guaranteed awesome time!
Unfortunately AMSAs blood drive was cancelled but we are still looking forward to potentially doing some stuff with them in the future so keep on the lookout for that!
Lastly, we are hopefully going to be teaming up with ECO SGU for a clean up day tentatively on March 16th. Look out for more details!!
Have fun surviving finals to both student and SO alike!

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